The lower back hurts. . . He moans, writhes, shoots. . . How many terms have people come up with to refer to lower back pain. It is comprensible. Often, back pain, having arisen once, no longer leaves its owner until the end of life.
At first, rarely, and then more and more often they remember themselves, they don't let me fall asleep, they pull me with periodic exacerbations. And many, even very young, endure back pain as an inevitable ailment, punishment for a sedentary life, lack of a muscular corset, disproportionate physical activity.
They don't try to cure back pain and, if they do, episodically, haphazardly. Some don't even know their exact diagnosis, well, their back hurts and hurts, osteochondrosis, that is, or sciatica.
But this is far from true. There are many diseases that cause a painful reaction, limited mobility in the lower back.
Why the lower back hurts, causes of pain
- First, of course, there are injuries, displacement of the vertebrae, sprains. They cause acute pain with complete disability in the initial stage of the disease. But if you suffer from back pain, do not seek help and take no measures to alleviate your condition, the disease quickly becomes chronic.
- The second place of honor is occupied by the compression of the nerve during the displacement of the vertebrae, with the formation of an intervertebral hernia.
- The third place is occupied by the aforementioned osteochondrosis with its degenerative changes in cartilage tissues.
- Then there are all kinds of postural disorders - lordosis, kyphosis and the first of the spinal curvatures - scoliosis, which now appears almost in first grade. There is also Scheuermann-Mau disease, when juvenile kyphosis is formed even in adolescence and by the age of 20-25 they reach near-disability.
- In fact, back pain can be a symptom of diseases of the internal organs: kidneys, pelvic organs.
- Often, back pain occurs in late pregnancy, with rapid weight gain and hormonal changes in a woman's body.
- The worst event of back pain is spinal metastases, which appear already at the 4th stage of the development of oncological diseases.
It is not easy to understand the true causes of back pain on your own. It is good when there is a modern clinic nearby, which employs experienced chiropractors, vertebrologists and has the appropriate diagnostic equipment.
Treatment of low back pain: an overview of methods
This is where the most uncomfortable moments begin. There are many methods and methods for treating low back pain, but not all of them work the same way. Here the notorious human factor arises, and this factor is important from both the patient and the healer (no matter what it will be called, there are many options: a chiropractor, a chiropractor, a chiropractor, a massage therapist, a vertebrologist).
All these people have their own methods, their favorite tricks, possible combinations to correct the position of the vertebrae on our long-suffering spinal column. I saw how a chiropractor fixed his patients' necks with sudden movements in seconds.
But, despite the apparent effectiveness of his methods, I didn't dare "talk to him more closely. "Perhaps this is a manifestation of cowardice, I will not argue. But I still can't forget that I have a spine and it is unlikely that I will ever be given a spare one.
- Often, along with the blocks described above, a spinal traction method is offered. Underwater or with special weights. From a common sense point of view there is something about this, but sadly, I have heard many reviews that the improvements are extremely insignificant, not comparable to the cost.
- The next way is a high quality professional massage.
- The use of pain relieving pills and injections is a temporary measure and the disease, as such, is not cured, they stopped taking the drugs, "laughs" and ended.
- Surgical treatment is generally an extreme case, it is worth considering when there are pains that do not go away for several months, complete disability, urinary and fecal incontinence.
- The most promising method for frequent back pain, the lower back is a series of exercises.
Although, before the diagnosis is clarified, they, with excessive zeal, can be harmful. As in any case, the treatment of low back pain must be thoughtful, gradual, with an eye to the nuances of well-being. With strict compliance with the rules for lifting and carrying heavy loads, if necessary, physical work at home and at work.
And if you are persistent and patient, improvements in the condition of your back will not be long in coming.